I needed twenty-six years to realize that actions mean taking responsibility. That words should mean something. That if you can’t keep to your own words it means you can’t trust yourself.

Once I met a man. He kept every single word. He didn’t scatter words. I didn’t keep up his theory and could hardly go silent. Four long years we were bitting each other. I argued that he was too captious and he answered that devil is in the details. I told him people could be wrong and he told me that once they would be wrong and feel the consequences they wouldn’t want to do the same thing again.

The man could stick to every habit. He didn’t skip a day when I couldn’t say the same about myself. It was even hard for me to keep to my morning routine.

As soon as I began making the first steps. As soon as I started trying to keep to my own words I saw how people started looking at me. They didn’t trust me. They were afraid of me. They told me I didn’t enjoy my life. That I was too serious.

We are afraid of changes. It seems that the world became estranged of the folks who are brave enough not to break a word.

This century wants easiness, Instagram posts, and money not seriousness and commitment. But how will one achieve results without it?

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